A guide to mixing, matching and styling your outfits

There are so many styles of clothing out there. You can be the most fashionable person in the room, or you can be a fashion disaster. It doesn’t matter how much money you spend on your wardrobe, if you don’t know how to match and mix different pieces of clothing. The best way to learn is by observing others’ outfits and trying new ones out yourself!

Consider functionality.

When you’re looking at clothes, don’t just think about how they look on you. Think of their functionality as well.

Don’t limit yourself to your comfort zone.

You might have a go-to pant and top combo that you wear all the time, but don’t ignore other clothing options for fear of being too adventurous. It’s great to be adventurous with fashion—but don’t go overboard and wear something that doesn’t fit in with the occasion or is just not flattering on you.

Don’t be afraid of colour, patterns and accessories.

When it comes to clothing, don’t be afraid of colour, patterns and accessories. Wearing clothes that you feel comfortable in is important: they should fit well and make you feel good about yourself. You can change the look of your outfit by adding a scarf or different shoes, but don’t be afraid to try new things or stand out in a crowd! A bright sports jacket with interesting buttons can easily transform an otherwise casual outfit into something more polished for a job interview, for example. Also remember that wearing bold colours won’t automatically make people think you’re loud or obnoxious (just like wearing pastels doesn’t mean you’re quiet).

Mix it up.

Mix and match different colors. If you want to play with color, try a bolder color on your bottom half and a more muted or neutral shade on the top. The contrast will make for some fun outfit combinations that won’t be boring but also won’t clash too much either!

Mix and match different patterns. Stripes can help add interest to an outfit and make it stand out from the crowd in a good way! You can even mix them up by wearing a dress with stripes on one side, then pairing it with pants on the other side of your body (say if you were wearing an LBD). Or try wearing two different kinds of prints like polka dots paired with floral print – this is sure to bring attention towards your outfit without being too much at once!

Try pairing dresses with colored denim jeans or skirts; instead of just plain black ones all day long. Mix up those outfits by adding heels or ankle boots instead of sneakers.

Look for key pieces that you can wear in various ways.

When looking, it is worth it it to consider key pieces that are versatile and that you may wear for multiple occasions. For example, have a few pieces in your closet that can be worn with different outfits — meaning they can go with jeans and dresses or dresses and slacks.

This is especially true for jackets or other outerwear — coats are great because they look good over anything from shirts to blouses to sweaters (and even dresses) depending on how you style them. And if you get lucky? You might find something that works well for every season!

Another recommendation is when shopping, keep versatility in mind: for example, denim skirts are great because they look good year-round (and aren’t just relegated to summer).

Make sure you have outfits that flatter you in the mirror and in photos.

Once you have the basics covered, it’s time to focus on what you like. First and foremost, make sure each of your outfits flatters YOU in the mirror and in photos. This doesn’t mean that every part of your outfit has to be flattering; just ask yourself if overall, the combination looks good on you. If not, try it again with another top or bottom until something works for you.

As a general rule of thumb: if something looks good on someone else but doesn’t look good on YOU—leave it behind! It will just end up collecting dust in your closet while wasting space that could be used for something else much more useful instead (like wine).

Being fashionable is about knowing your own style, then mixing it up so you look fresh and unique!

Being fashionable is about knowing your own style, then mixing it up so you look fresh and unique!

Match your outfits to your skin tone.

Matching your skin tone to your outfit is one of the easiest ways to look more natural and healthy. Your skin will have a natural glow when you match it with clothes that are similar in colour, like light jeans and a t-shirt for fair skin tones, dark jeans for medium tones, or burgundy pants for darker ones. If you’re going out on a date or some other special occasion where you want to make an impression, try wearing something that matches both your outfit and your hair—a patterned dress with bold colours will stand out in a crowd!

When choosing which colour scheme matches your skin tone best, here are some general rules:

Mix and match different colours in your outfits.

Mix and matching different colours is a known ways to add interest to an outfit. It’s easy to achieve if you keep certain rules in mind:

if you want to wear two pieces that are very different, make sure they are in the same colour family (e.g., a red top with an orange skirt) because it will balance out your look by creating contrast; try pairing one piece with a neutral tone such as black or white so that other accessories will stand out more.

Match the season.

In most cases, you can’t go wrong with matching your clothes to the season. If it’s summer, wear light colors and pastels; if it’s winter, go for darker tones and fabrics. When in doubt about what matches best with your everyday look (or even if you’re not sure which season is appropriate for your outfit), think about what would keep you warm or cool during certain activities in specific conditions of weather—and then pick out clothes accordingly.

For example: If it’s springtime outside and there are no clouds in sight but there’s a lovely wind blowing through town… plus people have been talking about how cold their mornings have been starting earlier lately… plus school will be starting soon… then maybe consider getting yourself some long-sleeve shirts!

Try out new styles every once in a while.

It is important to try out new styles every once in a while. Don’t be afraid to try something new and be open to the idea of trying out something that you normally wouldn’t wear. Be adventurous, confident in what you wear and don’t hesitate to make bold fashion statements.

Go for patterns, but not that much.

Patterns are a great way to add color and texture to your wardrobe, but if you’re not careful, they can look tacky or dated. If you want to use patterns in your outfits, it’s important to make sure that they match your personal style and the occasion at hand.

Matching patterns is one of the most common ways people mix up their outfits. It’s also one of the most effective ways of making an outfit look stylish because it allows you to play with proportion and balance: If everything on your body has a similar pattern (or at least some kind of print), then even though each piece has different colors or textures, there’s still continuity between them. This creates visual interest without being overwhelming—as long as those patterns don’t clash!

But matching doesn’t have too be limited just within clothing: You can also use accessories such as shoes or bags in order create visual consistency throughout your ensemble by using complementary prints like stripes or polka dots together on top (a jacket), bottom (shorts)and/or both! The key here is knowing how much is too much when it comes down.

Don’t buy clothes that are too small or too big for you.

If you want to look good, then don’t buy clothes that are too small or too big for you. Don’t buy clothes that are too tight, or else they won’t fit right and you’ll feel uncomfortable. Also don’t buy clothes that are too loose, otherwise they’ll look sloppy on you and make you feel bad about yourself. This is because clothes should fit well so that when people see them on your body, they can tell that it was made specifically for your body type.

Mingle with others’ style.

Be bold and don’t be afraid to mix and match. Don’t be afraid of colour, patterns or accessories. You can try new things but always remember to be yourself and wear what suits you best. Once you find a style that looks good on you, then mix it up by adding something different like a hat or scarf, so it doesn’t get boring.

Your most important part of any outfit is your confidence. Remember that there are no rules when it comes to fashion, so if you’re feeling daring, go ahead and mix it up! You don’t have to stick with what everyone else is doing—make sure that whatever you do wear makes you feel confident.

Need feedback on an outfit? Eric Himel can provide personalized feedback, from how the look is styled down to how specific items pair together. Simply submit a photo of your outfit to receive your feedback!

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Eric Himel

Celebrity Stylist | Fashion Expert | TV Personality | Brand Consultant | On-Air Talent & Speaker

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